this shouldn't surprise you but i almost died today. i was sitting here at my desk minding my own business and sucking on a salty licorice candy when all of the sudden, i inhaled it and it lodged in my throat and i could not breathe one little bit. it was scary. i knew i needed help because i could not breathe nor talk. (sorry about the artwork, but i needed pictures)so i reached over into my bag on the floor to get my access card to go get help from someone and i leaned too far and promptly fell out of my chair.
right when this happened, the elevator came to my floor and someone walked out and toward my desk. and also i landed right on my elbow and the licorice candy flew out of my mouth and i had to take a big, noisy gulp of air. tears were running down my face from lack of oxygen and he saw it all. of course. so he helped me up and picked my chair up and dusted me off and i sucked it up but oh man, it was humiliating, but i am alive!! hooray for that and i can laugh about it now.
dearie, i don't mean to laugh at your misfortune, but i did. laugh, that is. it's actually a good thing you fell, i think. if you didn't, we may have lost you due to choking to death on a licorice candy.
my previous comment contains ridiculous sentence structure. pay me no mind.
I feel bad, but I'm laughing really, really hard right now.
I'm glad you didn't die.
wow...i'm so glad you survived!
perhaps leave liicorice candy eating to times when others are nearby.
ahhhh! scary, and funny. i am glad that you have a quick thinking gaurdian angel, whose shove to the ground saved your life. also, salty licorice? i have never heard of such a thing.
That is the funniest damn thing I have heard all day! I'm so glad you are still with us, but hilarious none the less.
P.S. The pictures are amazing. You should be an artist.
I am not going to be nice and apologize. Hilarious, near-death experiences are my most favorite things to laugh about. I love your drawrings and you
Dear Megan I was laughing so hard I was almost crying! I'm glad you didn't die! Also I still can't believe you like that salty licorice junk...if you're going to choke at least choke on something good!
Dear Megan I was laughing so hard I was almost crying! I'm glad you didn't die! Also I still can't believe you like that salty licorice junk...if you're going to choke at least choke on something good!
I'm just surprised that the salty licorice hasn't killed you. That stuff is NASTY!!!
If you would have been sitting next to me I probably would have peed my pants. Either from laughing or from fright.
Megan, first off, I am glad that you are alive. Second, aren't near death experiences supposed to make you cherish those that love you? I am not feeling cherished right now. Third, I love your reenactment pictures. Fourth, I love you.
that is the funniest thing I have heard in awhile. Love the artwork.
You are my favorite story teller...I'm so glad you survived the attack of the NIBS!
If the story wasn't enough to make me pee my pants with laughter, then the pictures topped it off. You should think seriously about illustrating future blog entries. Glad you didn't die.
you should stick to lifesavers.
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