ok people, here is a question i am posing for you. i am going to give you 2 choices. please pick one. would you rather watch a documentary about people at bus stops waiting for the bus with questions such as what do you do? where are you going? why do you ride the bus? why are you wearing that fuzzy blanket? where did you get that saber? just basically finding out their stories and see if they think you are crazy (or the documentary maker is crazy) or is they answer candidly and have honest heartfelt answers. or would you rather watch a documentary about all the people holding signs at freeway exits, under passes, stop signs etc. asking for help, anything helps signs and have a brief glimpse into their lives. maybe spotlight a few of them to find out their stories and what made them feel so desperate that they had to beg
for money. also find out if any of them are scam artists. thanks for your help. here is the back story. mark is obsessed with people at the bus stops here. seriously. anytime we drive past a bus stop, he always points them out and now refers to them as the bus people. he talked about them so much that i told him he should make a documentary about them. then, i thought i sholud have a competing documentary so i came up with the one about the sign people. i think it is more compelling and has a more human touch. don't steal our ideas because they are AWESOME and copyrighted. thanks.
i like the new blog look. or am i just slow and it's been this way for a while?
at any rate, i like your idea better. but i thought both could be interesting. i just feel like the sign holders would be extra more interesting.
oh my goodness, you are cracking me up. I will watch any documentary that involves you. And bus people.
I am going to go with the sign people. I mean, bus people are interesting and all, but sign people make me think for quite awhile after seeing them (and feeling guilt for giving no money)
P.S. I like the new look! And it DID surprise me! Go team!
I vote for the sign people.
Love your blog! Miss you!
Love your blog! I would definitely rather hear from the 'sign' people. Sorry Mark. I really think you could pull off a great documentary! Look forward to seeing it! Lunch was nice.
I'm all about the sign peeps! I'll be expecting the documentary's debut at the Sundance Film Festival.
I think it depends on how you want the doc to turn out. Funny, sad, thought provoking, a bit of both. I think the sign people would mostly be sad and though provoking. Bus people however, could be a bit of everything, funny, thought provoking, strange, sad, etc. I personally like the bus people one for entertainment purposes, and the sign people one for making a difference or opening peoples eyes to this category of people.
I would also like to see a documentary on people with vanity license plates and if you are able to pretict the type of person from the plate. Get to know who they are and why the sam hill they would get a plate that said SKNK or HOODRAT. I think you should add that to your list.
I vote for the sign documentary...and I want to know, first things first, where did they get the sharpie??
I'm pulling for bus people....and not just because I like Mark better..(And the man in the relationship is always right. Haven't you learned that yet?) but because the sign people are more obvious.... they're stories seem easier to me... the bus people are a subtle target...a less-likely source of documentary fodder..and so, I think should be pursued. sorry i haven't been on for a the new layout.
For sure the sign people. Because I have wondered the same things about them.
And I have to give a vote for Ben's idea about the license plates.
Make sure they get released to theaters in Canada so I too can enjoy them!
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