for some reason, college came in to my mind today. probably because i am a college grad and do not have a job or any jobs on the horizon and it is super sweet (and emoticon giving you a very, very sarcastic look.) anyhow, there was some crazy shiz that happened in my freshman dorm at utah state and i am going to share it with you here today. (an emoticon who looks at you jealously for getting to hear all these stories.)
anyhooter. when i was a freshman, i lived in a co-ed dorm. it was a blast. i loved it. for some reason, our apartment of 6 girls got into a prank war with an apartment of 6 boys and mayhem ensued. it was war! and sadly we got completely schooled. i don't remember much of what we did to them but it was harmless stuff like taking their mattresses and such. their pranks were downright ruthless. here they are. 1. they took ALL the labels of ALL the cans of food in our pantry. it was awful. if you wanted a can of soup, you ran the risk of opening a myriad of other things before you found the soup. it was so lame. so so lame but hilarious and brilliant. 2. they took flowers off the graves of the cemetery across the street and left them on our pillows. this creeped me out! not sure why. also, how tacky to take flowers from the graveyard. sheesh. 3. they put crickets in the beds of one of my roommates. also, the tore off their back legs so they couldn't hop away. and they gave them bits of food. so they were definitely there when she crawled into bed. yuck. 4. this was the WORST! we had a regular shower with a bathtub and then we had one of those little cube showers with a glass door and just enough room to stand up in. well, we came home from church and they had filled the entire tiny shower with leaves. so if you opened the glass door, they would all spill out. it was awful. and this was not the wort part. in the middle of the leaves, they had put a DEER HEAD. and not a taxidermied deer head, oh no, one fresh from the deer hunt. so so so so disgusting. ick. i still cringe. 5. a few weeks later, when we were watching a scary movie for halloween, they lowered the deer head from the apartment above right in front of the window and made it knock up against it. it was the freakiest sight of my life. eeek. needless to say the boys won this little prank war and a truce was made so we could rest in peace. man alive, they were brilliant. still much hilarity abounded throughout the year which is probably the reason i pulled straight C's that year. awesome! go college! go aggies! love, megan
i just wanted you to know that i won my first GIVEAWAY in my life and i am so excited about it!!! i won it here at jess's blog (she is so talented). you should check her out and check out her etsy shop too for cute cards and such. now i have the hard task of figuring out what to get!!!!
well friends, we made it to one year. who woulda thunk? i mean, i am totally a brat and mark has put up with me for a long time! go him. anyhow, since we were a bit poor this year, we stayed local and went to a place in the couer d' alene mountains called silver valley. it is a bunch of mining towns. they are small and quaint and pretty. we wandered around, holding hands and sweating our a**$# off but it was fun to be together.
this is wallace. so pretty. see that green awninged building? that is where we partook of lunch and it was delightful.
apparently, wallace is somehow the center of the universe. anyway, i think mark took this picture because i am the center of his universe (obviously).
here is honey, eating lunch (ps. anyone who hang s out with us knows we have the annoying habit of calling each other "honey" all the time. it started out as me trying to bug mark-who hates pet names and has resulted in the honey talk all the time). he's cute.
wallace, pretty wallace.
we wish. how awesome is it that you can win a gold mine!? for maybe $5!!!!
and yes, there is a bordello museum in wallace so we went in and looked around. and guess what?! it only closed in 1989!!!!! is that crazy to anyone else? a bordello! in my lifetime!
and if some of you are wondering why this town seems so familiar? well, it was in the blockbuster hit starring pierce brosnan and linda hamilton duh. so if you come to spokane and want to go to wallace, let us know. but not on our romantic anniversary trip please. 
ps. i love mark lots. he is a good husband and i was lucky to bamboozle him into marrying me!