Tuesday, February 10, 2009

lame post warning

remember when i said this blog should be called old news??? well i meant it. here is some, to catch you up. in december on the day before we were supposed to go home to utah, it began to snow. and snow and snow and snow. it was a marshmallow world and we were stuck inside. the roads did not get plowed and there were people walking if they had to go anywhere. luckily we were ok. mark's final was cancelled (after a scathing email telling the students to prepare for bad weather and give themselves plenty of time to drive to school) and so we were pretty much snowed in for 2 days and then in between storms, we made a quick break for it to make it to utah in time for the holidays. so here are some pictures of the snow because i have them, and this is old news and so therefore appropriate for the blog. for your viewing pleasure:
our shoveled walkway

our friend ian's car. he was staying with us because he was moving to chicago.
mark and ian were proud of this little driveway they built from our car to ian's so we could get out. we got out and then later that day, the plows finally came and covered all their hard work with snow so ian was stuck. luckily there was a neighborhood shovel brigade out and about.
more of the shoveled out "driveway"
cars slipping and sliding and mark sweeping
snow land
our car getting unsnowed

our steps. note. that handrail where the snow is piled up to is up to my waist!!

our car. wowzers. old news for sure but still.....

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