friends. i have been censussing. it has been a to the w to the e to the some. that is all i can say.
1. i did not get accosted by hannibal lector!!!! Victory
2. i made TONS o cash (sarcasm)
3. they said the job would last 10-14 weeks and i just finished so i think they meant 3 weeks!
4. we won't have enough money to make it through the summer now.
5. i met some crazies
6. i met some nice people
7. it was cold 8/11 days i was outside. miserably cold.
8. i am mad that this job was a farce.
9. i should have more time to blog now
10. the end
can you believe that i am done??!!! i am still so mad about it!!!!!
I've been waiting for some new material. Why don't you just do this for a living. You could still meet some nice folks and some Hannibal Lectorish sort of characters all while sitting in the comfort of your toasty-warm house. The money thing might still be an issue. Though I have seen these ad places that will pay you to let them put pictures of people exposing their spare tires all up in your blog. You should definitely check out that jazz.
I agreed with Ace.
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