this shouldn't surprise you but my janelle friend had a birthday on sunday. she is one year older and wiser too. her parents were here for the whole week leading up to the big day and she had a fabulous week as seen here. her birthday was on a sunday so there were not as many exciting festivities as there could have been but we still had a shindig out on our patio and celebrated her day of birth real real nice. you may not know this but janelle and i share bunk beds. this is because we are very frugal and instead of both of us paying 450 or more in rent, we pay 225 and share a little room. it works out fabulously but there are not many people i would
want to share a tiny room with. janelle, however, is a dream come true and we have had many an interesting conversation on our sweet ikea bunkbed. janelle and i met when she was my stuck up boss at dr. we worked together for about 6 months and then one day on a field trip, we decided we needed a change in life and so we thought we should move and we called my kelli friend and she had a place to live and so that night we decided to move across the country to dc. it has been fabulous and i am so glad that i had janelle to do it with. janelle is the queen of practical jokes so i always have to be on her good side or else i fear for my life and all my possessions. it is fun living on your toes all the time. some of my favorite things about janelle are: her ability to sing along with anything, her love of oreos, her love of smoothies from sicky robek's, her endless getting ready skills, her many many shoes, her propensity to bruise from mean looks alone, her double jointed toes, her boyfriend skills, her choreography, her generosity, larry and cheryl, and the list goes on and on. happy birthday j!!
It's a good thing you are going home Megs and you better sleep with one eye open when you get back!
Just kidding (kind of) thanks for the shout out and for letting the whole world know how incredibly awesome I am! Haha! Love ya girlie!
Hmm, something is missing!
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