then to show you the truth of what our house looks like, here were the dishes we had left in the sink. i thought mark should do them and he thought i should so there they sat piling up for 3 days! gross.
here they are all cleaned.(but not put away because i HATE that job, not sure why.) also i put clean sheets on the bed, straightened up the rest of the house and got the oven mostly cleaned. there is still some thanksgving dinner baked on their pretty good so i will work on it tonight.
i just read through this and it doesn't really sound like i did that much but it felt like it okay people, it felt like it.
I believe the term "stoner" is applied more frequently to those using downers. For one using an upper, specifically speed or similar amphetamines, consider using "tweaker."
Dr. J. Blobb
Good job on the oven cleaning. To keep it nice and sparkly, don't use it ever again. Order out and microwave. That's how I keep mine clean.
you did do a lot! I hate empting the dish drainer I guess cause you have to go all around the kitchen to put things away, it annoys me to death! Ya so somedays I have to sucome to my speed too (coke) but I really can't believe how much more i accomplish.
Meg, My little drug-enhanced worker bee. It really was a lot. I am really impressed. Can't wait to see your face. I will make sure to stock my fridge with all of your addictions. love love love you, a ton.
Please come and clean my oven while you are on speed. It needs a cleaning in a big time way.
Mmmmm, Diet DP is one of the greatest inventions of all time! Hands down. Glad you've re-discovered it :)
I took an Excedrin earlier today and suddenly decided that the refrigerator was in a dumb spot and needed to be moved over a foot. Now that that's done, I'm just kindof twitching and blinking nervously.
Did I miss something? You had a job? When did this happen?
Oh, and I support the new habit.
Coke and I have a passionate love affair.
P.S. "Elle" is M. Or vice versa.
I loved, loved that blog. You seriously are the greatest. I hope to see you over the holidays.
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