Tuesday, July 31, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but the washington metro area affords some interesting things to look at. there is always something interesting happening. i commute to work no the metro. it is easy and convenient and my work pays for it so i can not complain. it is also and endless source of entertainment. almost every day, there is an interesting person or conversation happening which makes for a good start to my day and also a good end to my day. yesterday was really good. i was on the metro and then we all got off and went to the escalators and there in front of me was the most awful outfit i had ever seen so of course i ripped out my cell phone and pretended to text someone while all the while i was covertly snapping pictures. i think she might have made this outfit herself and judging by how skimpy it was, i think she only used one skein of yarn. anyhow, enjoy and maybe you could make a pattern and have an outfit like this of your very own! please make yours completely see through and only wear a bra underneath. thank you. this outfit could also be ripped off and used as a doily in a pinch! I wish the pictures were better!! damn razr.

Monday, July 30, 2007

4 things

I have been tagged by Meri!
Here it goes:

4 Jobs I Have Had...
1. Sandwich Artist
2. Best Janitor ZCMI has ever seen
3. Tobacco Specialist at the UofU
4. Being Rad (full time)

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again...
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Selman home videos
3. Anything that is not Transformers
4. I will probably fall asleep in any movie

4 Places I Have Lived...
1. Payson, UT
2. New Orleans, LA
3. Berlin, Germany
4. Falls Church, VA

4 Favorite TV Shows...
1. Never
2. watch
3. TV
4. at all.

4 Places I Have Been On Holiday...
1. New England
2. Duck Beach
3. California
4. Utah (my new favorite destination)

4 Favorite Dishes...
1. Mexican
2. Fresh Vegetables from the garden
3. Indian Food
4. Italian......PS I am hungry right now.

4 Websites I Visit Daily...
1. intranet
2. Blogs
3. bank
4. lds.org (scripture reading at work!)

4 Places I Would Rather Be Right Now...
1. With Mark
2. On the Beach
3. Utah
4. On a fun trip anywhere

Now here are 4 people that I am tagging...
1. Janelle
2. Ade
3. Marg
4. Carrie
5. Darin
6. Mjarn

Thursday, July 26, 2007


dear emily,
please, please make a blog.
love (and hugs and rainbows),

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but my coping mechanism is denial. for instance, my best girl in virginia is moving tomorrow morning. and i am just pretending it is not happening. i am pretending that she is going on a vacation to see matt and then she will be back after the long weekend visit and back to the top bunk. she just needs to take all of her stuff with her to do some inventory or something like that. i think this is healthy. denial works for me. so last night, to celebrate the fact that janelle gets to take a vacation, we went to "our" restaurant. red robin!! we love red robin for its delectable dishes and its delicious water and the bottomless steak fries but let's be honest, mostly we love this:

the delicious red robin seasoning salt that has magic powers to make everything taste divine. mmm. red robin was delightful as always except they had a giant red robin walking around the restaurant entertaining people. hello, don't people know that is the quickest way to ruin a meal? humans dressed as animals are not cool or fun or entertaining. they are not as bad as horses lying down but all the same, it just isn't right. this was a good date though. janelle totally paid and then we got to have a photo shoot in a restaurant and make all our trade mark faces: angel face

and sad face:
then we laughed about how awesome we are and on the drive home, we sung our lungs out to our song and did our choreography that we made up long ago. then we got the brilliant idea to make a video of our choreography so we picked up mark and then we embarrassed ourselves as he filmed away. i only wish i could post it. too bad for you all.


this shouldn't surprise you but this post might be freaky to some of you but i have to get it out there so you know what i am dealing with here at work. i work in a common area so people are always at my desk and asking me to get things fixed and basically harassing me, which i like (keeps me entertained). well there is one man here named dave who is particularly bad. there is a picture by my desk called "Crabbing in the Marsh" and it depicts a young boy crabbing in the marsh (how appropriate). well the picture looks like the boy is staring straight at me through the wall so dave has started to freak me out about it. he thinks that the boy looks like a cat. he has named him cat boy. so every day, he makes some cat reference and talks about how cat boy comes alive and haunts the halls at night. it really is creepy. so yesterday, i got and email from him called cat boy lives and it said this: "Be warned. If you value your sleep, you may not want to peek at this." then he sent this.scary as h.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but i have a tough friend. his name is mark. he broke his arm a few weeks ago playing soccer. he totally took one for the team and sacrificed his arm. well he has had a sweet red cast for the past few weeks that went clear past his elbow.
so yesterday, he went to the doctor and i tagged along to see the cast get sawed off. he didn't get to keep it off long, he had to get a short arm cast. (see those sweet checkers? i totally colored those. i am available for all cast wearers.) the guy sawed it off and then wrapped his arm in gore tex and a cool new black cast with green stripes. his arm didn't smell that bad at all due to the fact that mark has excellent hygiene. he was so brave the whole time. he didn't even cry when i accidentally almost re-broke his arm.

since mark was so brave and so good at the doctors we decided to go to screen on the green. okay it was not really a reward since we had already planned it but it was fun nonetheless. we went with jenica, jessi, john, sara, heather and tiana. we watched the thing (from another world.) it was the most awesome/not awesome movie ever made.

in love

look at this sweet girl! i am in love, smitten. she is so cute and i never get to see her! i can't believe she is 3 months old already. she is starting to look like max more and more. enjoy miss amelia.

Monday, July 23, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but i have a story to add to my already very long list of embarrassing stories. i am not sure why things of an embarrassing nature always flock to me but, oh well, i can handle it. okay, so from previous posts, you all know that janelle is getting married. well due to the speed of this engagement and her move to arizona, we had to have a shower and it was haphazardly thrown together in a few days. well i was going to buy flowers for the house but then i got a brilliant idea! here at NRECA, we have these huge bouquets of flowers in our lobby and every friday, we have a drawing to see who gets to take them home. well i asked if i could just have the flowers and so we sort of rigged the drawing and i got to take them home. yippee, right? wrong. i didn't really think that they would be hard to get home on the metro since i only ride 2 stops but i was wrong. oh so wrong. the trains were so, so full. i waited as the first one came because it was jam packed and i thought surely the next one will not be so full. well i was wrong and so i waited for the next one. just as full but i really wanted to get home so i jumped on with my ginourmous armful of flowers. well, previously, the lilies in the bouquet had attacked me with their pollen and it had gotten all over my shirt but it was worth it for the huge bouquet. well, since the train was so crowded, i noticed the pollen getting on the clothes of people around me and i felt so bad about it but i didn't know what to say and so i faked ignorance. bad choice? maybe. well, so i finally got to my stop (the ride felt sooooo long) and as i was getting off, i saw someone from church so i talked to him for quite sometime as we walked out of the station and then my flowers and i went our separate ways. when i walked in the door with the flowers, i was excited to show janelle the huge bouquet and tell her about my adventures on the train and she just started laughing at me and said, "what is all over your face?" well apparently the flowers had spread their pollen all over my face as well. i looked like i had war paint on and i had ridden so far and talked to someone i know and not one word was said about it. sweet. this shouldn't surprise you but my life is awesome. four vases of flowers and one shower later, all is well but it was a tad bit traumatizing. good thing janelle is worth it and my embarrassment tolerance level is way way high. but honestly dear readers, if this ever happens to you and you see someone you know with stuff all over their face, please, please tell them so they can at least know why they have suffered all these strange looks. they will thank you.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

famous people

this shouldn't surprise you but this news might make you jealous. i was riding the metro to work today and minding my own business. well i came to my stop and was walking out of the station and i saw someone famous. you might remember her from this: (it actually brought a tear to my patriotic eye)

kerri strug!!! i wanted to talk to her and ask about her ankle and be her friend but that felt a little creepy so i just smiled and freaked out on the inside. here is how i like to remember kerri

when i told my friend at work that i saw her, she asked about her hair and if she still had the same haircut. well here is a picture of her and i am proud to say that she has opted for a more fashionable hairdo. way to go kerri.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but once upon a time i had this friend adriane (i still have her, don't worry) and she and i would spell all the words we would say.... we were young and nerdy. well we got really good at it and really fast and impressed our minions with the speed and agility of our spelling. except there was this one time when adriane was spelling an insult and she wanted to tell our friend jared that he was psycho so she began the spelling and it came out s-o-y-c-o. soyco. but she thought she had spelled it right. it was humorous and to this day, i still use soyco on occasion. the reason i thought of this is because now adriane is a bit of a word snob and she even has a word blog. so as i read it today, i remembered her humble beginnings. soyco, soyco, soyco.

Monday, July 16, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but janelle blake is engaged!!! it happened this weekend and after her trying so hard to keep it a secret, she can finally let the cat out of the bag and tell the world. hooray. she got engaged when she went to visit matt in arizona. you can read the whole story here. it is pretty exciting news but this means she will be leaving our state of virginia to be with matt and she is leaving in a week and a half. boo. goodbye bunk mate, adventure partner, crazy topic conversation haver. i will miss you like i miss my right arm. listen......


this shouldn't surprise you but i am shy. not really shy but shyer than i once was. that said, i am not good in front of crowds of people. sometimes i can be but it is rare. so, last week, mark and i joined some of his work friends at fort meyer to enjoy some karaoke. it was all fun and games until mark's boss sarah (whom i had hung out with before) said that she had put in my name to do a duet with her. i got a little light headed and queasy and started begging mark to leave. he is very mean and very stubborn and just laughed at me. i don't think he realized that i was dead serious and wanted to leave right then because the harder i pleaded, the more he laughed and said it would be fine. i begged sarah too but she was having none of it. seriously, i was freaking out a little. so i finally resigned myself to the fact that i was going to have to do it. so they called our names and we went up and sang "you are my sunshine." not the coolest of songs but we did it and then sat down amidst my adoring fans. i made mark delete all evidence of this performance so i am sorry but you will never get to see the coolness that is me doing karaoke. well after than traumatizing event, we left and i vowed to never do karaoke again. well....saturday rolled around and annie and i were at a semi lame barbecue and they all decided to go to see the movie transformers. well i had already seen it and fallen asleep in it so we opted not to go. luckily we got a text from our friend mary who was going country dancing at nick's country western bar. so we decided to go along. i mean, who is not down for a few line dances? so at nick's, they have karaoke and i felt the familiar queasiness but i was not peer pressured into it this time so i could rest easy. however, annie wanted to do karaoke (i doubt her sanity) and so we signed her up and this shouldn't surprise you but she totally rocked it.

girl's night out

this shouldn't surprise you but last week, i went out with some girls from work for happy hour. i got the picture in an email today so i thought i would blog about it. we work for a pretty big company and there are lots of young girls here so we try to get together every so often and go out outside of work. this girl's night out, we went to the cheesecake factory in clarendon. we got there right as happy hour was ending so we hurried to take advantage of the happy hour prices. then we got seated and hung out and chatted. i work with some great girls. they sipped their martinis and i sipped my diet coke and we had a great time. it was carrie, michaela, kit, carrie, heather, jamie, me, carla and julie.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


this shouldn't surprise you but i have not had a very eventful day at work. all i have done for the past 2 hours is this:(yes it took 2 hours). it really did make the day go quite quickly (alliteration). to those of you who are rushing around trying to gather all your rubber bands, here is a little tip. at no time in this project should you lick your fingers. it is just better this way and i learned it the hard way so take it from me. it is sick nasty. also mine is about the size of a baseball and it apparently hurts
when chucked at people caught unawares.


this shouldn't surprise you but life is funny. i can not find the pictures i need to post anything about the last week or so, so i will have to fill you in via my words which are not very entertaining. last week mark and i went to the folk life festival on the mall. it was really cool. we go to learn about ireland and the mekong river and also the roots of virgina. i have never heard so many cool accents in one place. i loved it. we got to see lots of cool thing and eat cool food. also it was the 4th of july. it was a pretty uneventful day. janelle and i ran errands and then mark and i picked up annie in baltimore and then we all went to dinner and watched fireworks. that is about the most eventful time of my week. it was really low key. on friday, mark and i went to an ethiopian restaurant. it was so good. i have been craving it ever since. mmmm so good. if you have never had ethiopian food, go and get yourself some. i saw transformers. it was apparently not more than meets the eye because i totally fell asleep. i have been dragging lately so i needed it apparently. one highlight of the evening was that we saw it the night that harry potter opened and so the harry potter fans waiting in line to get in were awesome. i hope to be a super fan of something someday.. i just got to find the passion. i hope it turns out that i am a super fan of NASCAR. i think i am going to NASCAR in september so keep your fingers crossed!!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

creeping me out

this shouldn't surprise you but i am a kickball star. i was told this by a man named john when i played in a kickball league earlier this year and now this is what has happened to john and i am a little freaked out and a lot saddened.

Ex-Utahn killed in apparent love triangle in Virginia; suspect a leader in fiance's LDS ward by Russ Rizzo The Salt Lake Tribune
The father of a former Utahn says jealousy over a woman was the motive in the death of his son, allegedly gunned down by a Mormon Elders Quorum counselor.Police arrested John P. Bloxham, 41, of Alexandria, Va., and charged him with the murder of 31-year-old Todd Rogers, who grew up in Salt Lake City.David Rogers, of Crofton, M.D., said his son planned to announce his engagement to his girlfriend on Sunday. As Todd Rogers was driving to his home in Manassas, Va., from her house Saturday night, Bloxham, a co-worker of the fiance and Elders Quorum counselor at her Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ward, confronted him, according to police.Police said Bloxham and Todd Rogers argued inside Rogers' Chevrolet Avalanche, then Bloxham shot Rogers with a handgun. Bloxham jumped out of the truck, and it crashed into another car in a Beacon Hill neighborhood, police said. Bloxham then allegedly fled the scene.A neighbor responding to the crash offered Rogers help, and he gave the neighbor his parents' telephone number, David Rogers said."Tell my mother I've been shot," Todd Rogers reportedly told the neighbor, according to David Rogers. Then, Todd Rogers reportedly said, "It was John."Police later arrested Bloxham and booked him into the Fairfax County jail where he was being held without bail. The fiance, Carrie Johanson, had told Todd Rogers about Bloxham's strange behavior, David Rogers said."She had mentioned to Todd that he existed. He's out there," David Rogers said. "Todd is a peaceful guy and thought he could handle it peacefully, no big deal."Bloxham and Johanson worked together at the U.S. Census Bureau, David Rogers said. Bloxham had never threatened violence before, David Rogers said, but Johanson reported that he had watched her from outside her house.Todd Rogers grew up in Salt Lake City and played football for a brief time for Taylorsville High School, his father said. He earned his bachelor's degree and a master's degree in mechanical engineering at BYU and served an LDS mission in Brazil.Todd Rogers moved to Virginia from California to take a job with Micron and to find a bride, his father said."He wanted to come to where there were more single women," David Rogers said


this shouldn't surprise you but i have reached a monumentous day. on july 1, it was a year that i have been in dc. it is crazy how fast a year has gone. i was not sure i would make it at first with the homesickness and the humidity and my tendency to be a hermit with janelle and linnea leaving to colorado right after i got here. good thing i stayed though because it has been a great year and i have become a better person because of it. also there are so many things that i would have missed out on if i had not come. hooray for risks and adventures. happy anniversary to janelle too on july 2. we made it and now life is taking a new turn but it is good.