this shouldn't surprise you but i have a story to add to my already very long list of embarrassing stories. i am not sure why things of an embarrassing nature always flock to me but, oh well, i can handle it. okay, so from previous posts, you all know that janelle is getting married. well due to the speed of this engagement and her move to arizona, we had to have a shower and it was haphazardly thrown together in a few days. well i was going to buy flowers for the house but then i got a brilliant idea! here at NRECA, we have these huge bouquets of flowers in our lobby and every friday, we have a drawing to see who gets to take them home. well i asked if i could just have the flowers and so we sort of rigged the drawing and i got to take them home. yippee, right? wrong. i didn't really think that
they would be hard to get home on the metro since i only ride 2 stops but i was wrong. oh so wrong. the trains were so, so full. i waited as the first one came because it was jam packed and i thought surely the next one will not be so full. well i was wrong and so i waited for the next one. just as full but i really wanted to get home so i jumped on with my ginourmous armful of flowers. well, previously, the lilies in the bouquet had attacked me with their pollen and it had gotten all over my shirt but it was worth it for the huge bouquet. well, since the train was so crowded, i noticed the pollen getting on the clothes of people around me and i felt so bad about it but i didn't know what to say and so i faked ignorance. bad choice? maybe. well, so i finally got to my stop (the ride felt sooooo long) and as i was getting off, i saw someone from church so i talked to him for quite sometime as we walked out of the station and then my flowers and i went our separate ways. when i walked in the door with the flowers, i was excited to show janelle the huge bouquet and tell her about my adventures on the train and she just started laughing at me and said, "what is all over your face?" well apparently the flowers had spread their pollen all over my face as well. i looked like i had war paint on and i had
ridden so far and talked to someone i know and not one word was said about it. sweet. this shouldn't surprise you but my life is awesome. four vases of flowers and one shower later, all is well but it was a tad bit traumatizing. good thing janelle is worth it and my embarrassment tolerance level is way way high. but honestly dear readers, if this ever happens to you and you see someone you know with stuff all over their face, please, please tell them so they can at least know why they have suffered all these strange looks. they will thank you.
Hahaha...I have so so many favorite moments of our time together on our East Coast Adventure, and the moment that you walked through the door, is now on the list!
how would janelle have gotten a good laugh if anyone on the train had told you that you were streaked with pollen?
therefore, i will no longer tell people how embarrassing they look so they can share their precious moments with their loved ones...thanks, meg, for opening my eyes.
ahh, meg. you truly are a fun magnet. i loved this story.
now that you are pollinated, what will you blossom into? i can barely wait to see.
Speaking of the lillies, I think the lillies have been attacking me all weekend.
That being said, the flowers are gorgeous!
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