Friday, August 3, 2007


my twin is having her birthday today!!! happy birthday kole. she is pure delight so if you get a chance to wish her a happy birthday, you should. she is the best mom to nash and lola and the best friend and cousin and twin a girl could ask for her. also she is damn funny. honest to shit she is. sorry about the swears but kole brings them out in me. she brings out a lot of fun things . she is great. some of my favorite things about her are her sense of style, her laugh (snort included), i can talk to her about anything, she is very loyal, she makes me laugh so hard! love you miss kole. happy birthday and have fun in las vegas.


Unknown said...

Dear Megs,
I want to hear all about your adventures to the great outdoors of Vermont! Please be sure not to include the parts about M-ing O.

Anonymous said...

I second that

Dkole said...

Thank you for bringing a tear to my eye. I love you!!!